Version 1.8.1 - 17th December 2009Version 1.8.1 of AstroGrav is an upgrade containing a range of minor improvements and bug fixes. This information is intended for existing users who are already familiar with AstroGrav and want to quickly find out about the main changes. This is a free upgrade for customers who have already purchased a license, so that all you need to do is download Version 1.8.1 and use it in place of your old version. If you have any problems with this new version, please don't hesitate to contact us so that we can help you out. Version 1.8.1 of AstroGrav has the following new and improved features. Version 1.8.1 of AstroGrav includes the following performance improvements. - The display of table windows has been significantly speeded up, particularly when there are only a few columns of information shown.
- The display of view windows has been significantly speeded up on computers that have more than one processor or core.
- The display of windows containing tool bars has been slightly speeded up.
Version 1.8.1 of AstroGrav includes the following improvements and bug fixes to tool bars and tool palettes. - A tool palette will now remain visible on screen whenever its owning window is moved, resized, or maximized, instead of sometimes being pushed off screen as in version 1.8.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the tools on the tool bar of an object window to be too small.
- On Windows, the tools on the tool palette of a view window are now all the same size, instead of being slightly different sizes.
Sample SimulationsVersion 1.8.1 of AstroGrav includes the following updates to the Solar System sample simulations. - Saturn's moon Aegaeon has been added.
- Comet Gehrels 3 has been added.
- Recently discovered large Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) have been added.
- The start date has been changed from 01/01/2009 to 01/01/2010.
Other ImprovementsVersion 1.8.1 of AstroGrav also has many other minor improvements and bug fixes, including the following. - A bug has been fixed that caused the Edit Object... button of an object window to fail to respond to the Carriage Return or Enter keys.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the width of a table column to revert to its default after being hidden, saved, re-opened, and re-shown.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the positions of objects on view windows to be slightly out of step (half a pixel both horizontally and vertically) with their orbits.
- On view windows, transiting reflective bodies now look much better.
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