Version 2.1.2 - 28th August 2013Version 2.1.2 of AstroGrav is an upgrade containing many minor improvements and bug fixes. This information is intended for existing users who are already familiar with AstroGrav and want to quickly find out about the main changes. This is a free upgrade for customers who have already purchased an AstroGrav 2 license, so that all you need to do is download Version 2.1.2 and use it in place of your old version. If you have any problems with this new version, please don't hesitate to contact us so that we can help you out. Version 2.1.2 of AstroGrav has the following new and improved features. Year UnitsVersion 2.1.2 of AstroGrav includes the following changes to year units that are intended to make solar system simulations easier to use. - In solar system simulations, the non-standard Julian Year date unit has been changed to the standard Julian Epoch date unit.
- The Year time unit that is used for orbital periods and time steps has been changed from 365.2424 days (vernal equinox year) to 365.25 days (Julian year).
- As a consequence of the change to the Year unit, time steps that used to be rounded are no longer rounded, and so the time step of each sample simulation with a Year time step unit has been changed slightly so that it is rounded again. You may wish to do the same with any of your own simulations that have Year time step units.
Other ImprovementsVersion 2.1.2 of AstroGrav also has many other minor improvements and bug fixes, including the following. - The undesirable flickering of view windows during resizing has been removed.
- A bug has been fixed that could cause ascending node labels and descending node labels to jump from one side of the orbit to the other when rotating a system.
- A bug has been fixed that could cause history labels to jump from one side of the trajectory to the other when rotating a system.
- The Edit / Add Family... command has been modified so that every new object now has the same number of characters in its name, and so consequently, sorting now works intuitively.
- The drawing of background stars has been changed so that they appear behind orbits, trajectories, histories, and coordinate axes, instead of in front of them.
- A bug has been fixed that could cause spurious horizontal lines to appear when orbits were viewed edge-on.
- Many minor performance improvements.
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