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Version 5.3 - 23rd December 2024

The following information is intended for existing users who are already familiar with AstroGrav and want to quickly find out about the main changes.

Version 5.3 of AstroGrav is an upgrade containing new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements. If you already have a copy of AstroGrav, all you need to do is to download Version 5.3 and use it in place of your old version. If you have any problems with this new version, please don't hesitate to contact us so that we can help you out.

Version 5.3 of AstroGrav has the following new and improved features.

New JNow Features

Version 5.3 of AstroGrav includes the following new features for handling JNow coordinates.

Evolution Improvements

Version 5.3 of AstroGrav includes the following improvements to the evolution algorithm.

  • Most simulations run faster than in previous versions of AstroGrav.
  • A bug has been fixed that frequently caused multiple processors / cores to be used when a single processor / core could do the evolution calculations just as fast.
  • Several minor improvements have been made to the evolution accuracy.

Other Improvements

Version 5.3 of AstroGrav also has many other minor improvements and bug fixes, including the following.

  • A prominent central cross has been added to the grid guide that is shown using the View / Show / Grid Guide command.
  • The Solar System / +Basic sample simulations have been updated from 01/01/2024 to 01/01/2025.
  • A bug has been fixed that prevented the search options from working in the Edit / Import Objects... command.
  • A bug has been fixed that sometimes caused the Family and Orbiting panels to be missing from an object window.