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Early Access Versions of AstroGrav

Users of AstroGrav are entitled to download and use early access versions of AstroGrav when they are available. These give you the opportunity to try out and comment on new features before they are finalized and released to the general public, and your feedback can help identify bugs and influence the final form that new features take.

AstroGrav Early Access Versions

AstroGrav Software License Agreement

You must click on the button below to accept the AstroGrav Software License Agreement before downloading any early access versions of AstroGrav.

Accept License Agreement   |   Decline License Agreement

AstroGrav Early Access Download

When you have accepted the license agreement, you can click on one of the buttons below to download the AstroGrav installer.

Alternatively, if you already have a version of AstroGrav installed on Windows, you can click on the button below to download just the AstroGrav executable (AstroGrav_ea.exe), without the sample simulations and documentation. This must be placed in the same location as your currently installed executable in order for it to work correctly.

AstroGrav Early Access Versions

The following early access versions of AstroGrav 5.3.1 have been released.

The documentation and tutorial have not yet been updated to cover the new features and changes. Please contact us if you require further information or advice.

AstroGrav 5.3.1 Early Access 01 was uploaded on 7th February 2025, and has the following improvements and bug fixes in addition to those in earlier versions.