AstroGrav logoMenu trigger


Click on one of the links below to download the latest version of AstroGrav for Mac OS X.

Download AstroGrav for Mac OS X running on an Apple processor

36.3 MB (36,289,441 bytes)

Download AstroGrav for Mac OS X running on an Intel processor

37.6 MB (37,584,196 bytes)


To install AstroGrav, double-click on AstroGrav.dmg to open the disk image, and then drag the AstroGrav folder onto the Applications folder alias. You may be required to enter your administrator password. The files are copied over and a progress bar shows when the installation is complete.


To start up AstroGrav, just follow these instructions.

  1. To open your Applications folder, open a new Finder window, and click on Applications in the sidebar. Alternatively, double-click on the Applications folder alias.
  2. Double-click on the AstroGrav folder to view its contents. It contains the AstroGrav application and four other items.
  3. To open AstroGrav, right click or control-click on the AstroGrav application and then select Open from the popup menu. You will be asked if you really want to start the program - confirm this to launch it. [Double-click probably won't work first time, but should work on subsequent occasions.]
  4. [Optional] Drag the AstroGrav application to the dock, so that it's easily accessible in future.