AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /Window /Rename...Version 5.3

Window / Rename...   ('Window / Rename...' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All


Renames the active window.


When you select this command, an input dialog will be displayed showing the active window's current name, and inviting you to overtype it with the new name. If you accept the input dialog, AstroGrav will change the name of the active window as specified.

By default, new windows are given names such as 'View 1', 'View 2', 'View 3', etc. If you have a simulation with two or more view windows open, you may want to rename the windows to something more meaningful, such as 'View From Mars', 'View From New York', 'View of Entire System', etc. Using meaningful names such as these will make it much easier to choose the window that you want from the Window menu.

See Also:

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