AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /Tools /Edit Locations...Version 5.3

Tools / Edit Locations...   ('Tools / Edit Locations...' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All


Edits the list of locations that is used for viewpoints in view windows and ephemeris windows.


When you select this command, the AstroGrav locations dialog will be displayed. This is the list of locations that is used for viewpoints in view windows and ephemeris windows, and initially contains over 100 of the world's best known cities, 40 of the world's best known astronomical observatories, and all of the successful landing sites on the Moon, Venus, and Mars. The AstroGrav locations dialog allows you to add and remove your own locations to supplement the supplied ones, and also to change the units used for latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes.

To add one of your own locations you use the New button, and to remove one of your own locations you use the Delete button. To add a new location, you need to specify the following five items of information.

In addition, there is a Use this as my home location checkbox that allows you to specify that the currently displayed location is to be made the default location for generating ephemerides with the Window / New Ephemeris... command.

See Also:

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