AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /View /Show All /VelocitiesVersion 5.2.1

View / Show All / Velocities   ('View / Show All / Velocities' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: View windows only
Simulation Types: All


Shows or hides the velocities of the objects in the active view window.


When you select this command, the velocities of the objects will be shown in the active view window, and when you deselect this command, the velocities of the objects will be hidden in the active view window.

The velocities of the objects are shown as vectors leading from the objects and pointing in the direction of motion. The length of the velocity vectors are automatically calibrated using the evolution time step - the velocity vectors actually show where the objects would move to in ten time steps if gravity was suddenly "switched off". In most cases this should result in the displayed vectors being of a reasonable length, but if they are all very small (or invisible) or very large, you may wish to edit the evolution time step to improve the display. You can do this using the Evolve / Settings... command.

See Also:

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