AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /View /Show /Planetary AberrationVersion 5.2

View / Show / Planetary Aberration   ('View / Show / Planetary Aberration' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: View windows only
Simulation Types: All


Shows the active view window corrected for stellar aberration, diurnal aberration, and light-time.


When you select this command, the active view window will be shown with stellar aberration, diurnal aberration, and light-time correction (collectively known as 'planetary aberration'), and when you deselect this command, the active view window will be shown without stellar aberration, diurnal aberration, and light-time correction. When a view window is shown with planetary aberration, the view is shown as it would appear taking into account the finite speed of light. When a view window is shown without planetary aberration, the view is shown as it would appear if the speed of light was infinite. In many cases, the effect of using this command is so small that it might not be noticeable.

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