AstroGrav Help /Menus /View /Configure Tracks...Version 5.3
View / Configure Tracks... (
Operating Systems: All
Window Types: View windows only
Simulation Types: All
Configures the tracks in the active view window.
When you select this command, a dialog will be displayed that allows you to specify how tracks are to be drawn in the active view window.
The dialog gives you the following choices of how to draw tracks.
- Lines only allows you to draw tracks as lines without any date/time labels.
- Labels only allows you to draw tracks as date/time labels without any lines.
- Lines and Labels allows you to draw tracks as lines with date/time labels.
In solar system simulations, the information that is displayed in labels can be specified by choosing the longest and shortest time periods that you want displayed. For example, if you want labels in the form Feb 17, 18:36, you specify a longest time period of Months and a shortest time period of Minutes. Another example is if you want labels in the form 18:36:15.8, you specify a longest time period of Hours and a shortest time period of Deciseconds.
There is also a field that allows you to specify the size and duration of tracks, by choosing the maximum number of time steps that are shown.
The dialog also gives you the following choices of what to draw tracks relative to.
- Fixed allows you to draw tracks relative to whatever is fixed.
- Background allows you to draw tracks relative to the background.
- Barycenter allows you to draw tracks relative to the barycenter of the entire system.
- Star allows you to draw tracks relative to a particular background star. You specify which particular background star in the adjacent text field. The option to draw tracks relative to a background star is only available in solar system simulations.
- Object allows you to draw tracks relative to a particular object. You specify which particular object in the adjacent text field.
- Horizon allows you to draw tracks relative to the horizon when you are viewing from a location on an object (such as the Earth). The option to draw tracks relative to the horizon is only available in solar system simulations, and is disabled (grayed out) unless you are viewing from a location on an object.
See Also:

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