AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /Tools /Selections...Version 5.3

Tools / Selections...   ('Tools / Selections...' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All


Provides a choice of two different ways of managing selections in the frontmost simulation.


When you select this command, a small dialog will be displayed allowing you to choose from the following two different ways of managing selections in the frontmost simulation.

When you switch from independent selections to the same selections, the selections in all the frontmost simulation's windows will instantly be changed to match the selection in the frontmost window. When you switch from the same selections to independent selections, there is no immediate change in the display, and it is only when you later change the selection of one window that you will notice that the selections in other windows no longer change to correspond.

See Also:

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