AstroGrav Help /Menus /Edit /PasteVersion 5.3
Edit / Paste ()
Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All
Replaces the current selection of objects in the active window with the selection on the clipboard.
When you select this command, the currently selected objects in the active window will be replaced with the selection on the clipboard. Each of the frontmost simulation's open windows will be updated to reflect the change.
The data on the clipboard must be in the same text format as the data placed there by the Edit / Cut and Edit / Copy commands.
See Also:
- Edit / Cut()that copies the current selection of objects in the active window to the clipboard and then deletes them from the simulation.
- Edit / Copy()that copies the current selection of objects in the active window to the clipboard.
- Edit / Undo()that undoes the latest change to the frontmost simulation.
- Edit / Redo()that redoes the most recently undone change to the frontmost simulation.
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