AstroGrav iconAstroGrav Help /Menus /Edit /Find...Version 5.3

Edit / Find...   ('Edit / Find...' icon)

Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All


Finds a specified object in the active window.


When you select this command, a small dialog will be displayed inviting you to type or select the name of the object that you want to find. If you accept the dialog, AstroGrav will find and select the requested object if it exists, and if necessary scroll the window to make it visible. In the case of a view window, the window will be scrolled so as to position the found object at the center of the window.

In a view window of a solar system simulation, there are also the following five options.

As in the case when an object is found, the view window will be scrolled so as to position whatever has been found at the center of the window. Searching for a background star or constellation works regardless of whether or not background stars or constellations are currently shown in the window. Searching for a particular point works regardless of whether or not the appropriate grid is currently shown in the window.

Background stars can be searched for using any of the following names, catalogue numbers, or designations.

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