AstroGrav Help /Menus /Edit /DeleteVersion 5.3
Edit / Delete ()
Operating Systems: All
Window Types: All
Simulation Types: All
Deletes the current selection of objects in the active window.
When you select this command, the currently selected objects in the active window will be deleted. Each of the frontmost simulation's open windows will be updated to reflect the change.
Deleting objects with this command can significantly affect the orbits of other objects. If you want to avoid this, use the Edit / Remove Objects command instead.
See Also:
- Edit / Remove Objects()that removes the current selection of objects in the active window in such a way as to leave the orbits of other objects unchanged.
- Edit / Merge Objects()that merges the current selection of objects in the active window.
- Edit / Undo()that undoes the latest change to the frontmost simulation.
- Edit / Redo()that redoes the most recently undone change to the frontmost simulation.
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